Featuring nine animated shorts set in and around The Matrix, written and directed by the cream of...
The Animatrix
Straight from the creators of the groundbreaking Matrix trilogy, this collection of short animated films from the world's leading anime directors fuses computer graphics and Japanese anime to provide the background of the Matrix universe and the conflict between man and machines. The shorts include Final Flight of the Osiris, The Second Renaissance, Kid's Story, Program, World Record, Beyond, A Detective Story and Matriculated.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
The Animatrix
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
May 9, 2003
1h 42m
Animation, Science Fiction
User Score
Original Title
The Animatrix
Production Companies
Warner Bros. Pictures, Village Roadshow Pictures, Silver Pictures, Square USA, STUDIO4℃, Madhouse, D N A
Peter Chung
Straight from the creators of the groundbreaking Matrix trilogy, this collection of short animated films from the world's leading anime directors fuses computer graphics and Japanese anime to provide the background of the Matrix universe and the conflict between man and machines. The shorts include Final Flight of the Osiris, The Second Renaissance, Kid's Story, Program, World Record, Beyond, A Detective Story and Matriculated.
Keanu Reeves
Neo ("Kid's Story") (voice)
Carrie-Anne Moss
Trinity ("Kid's Story" and "A Detective Story") (voice)
Clayton Watson
The Kid ("Kid's Story") (voice)
Pamela Adlon
Jue ("Final Flight of the Osiris") / Manabu ("Beyond") (voice)
Melinda Clarke
Alexa ("Matriculated") (voice)
John DiMaggio
Crew Man ("Final Flight of the Osiris") / Kaiser ("Program") (voice)