Arvind, a retired widower, has been living alone in his apartment in Pune. He follows a set routine that includes video chatting with his children and grandchildren in America. One day, Arvind has a fall in the bathroom. He’s fine but his children are adamant that he has to move to the US. With a heavy heart, Arvind agrees. As he is packing his belongings, he comes across an old letter that his mother had written to him. He had made a p
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
May 31, 2017
1h 32m
Drama, Family
User Score
Original Title
Production Companies
Blackberry Movies, SMR Films, Deepak Kumar Films Pvt. Ltd.
Gajendra Ahire
Arvind, a retired widower, has been living alone in his apartment in Pune. He follows a set routine that includes video chatting with his children and grandchildren in America. One day, Arvind has a fall in the bathroom. He’s fine but his children are adamant that he has to move to the US. With a heavy heart, Arvind agrees. As he is packing his belongings, he comes across an old letter that his mother had written to him. He had made a p