In "American Gothic", the story revolves around Cynthia, a young woman mourning the dea...
American Gothic
When six friends fly off on a weekend getaway and are suddenly plagued by engine trouble, they're forced to land on a remote island. Looking for shelter, they're grateful to encounter Ma and Pa and their children - an eccentric family living in the island's backwoods. But what begins as simple hospitality turns into a terrifying race for survival as the friends start disappearing one by one ... and turning up dead.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
American Gothic
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Aug 17, 1987
1h 30m
User Score
Original Title
American Gothic
Production Companies
manor Ground, Pinetalk
John Hough
When six friends fly off on a weekend getaway and are suddenly plagued by engine trouble, they're forced to land on a remote island. Looking for shelter, they're grateful to encounter Ma and Pa and their children - an eccentric family living in the island's backwoods. But what begins as simple hospitality turns into a terrifying race for survival as the friends start disappearing one by one ... and turning up dead.