Macross Delta: Passionate Walküre
Macross Delta is set in the year 2067, eight years after the events of Macross Frontier. The story focuses on Walküre, a team of talented idols and the Delta Squadron, a team of experienced Valkyrie pilots as they battle against the Var Syndrome, a mysterious phenomena that is consuming the galaxy, alongside the mysterious Aerial Knights Valkyrie fighter team of the Kingdom of Wind. This film recompiles scenes from the television anime with new scenes to tell a different story.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Macross Delta: Passionate Walküre
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Feb 9, 2018
2h 0m
Animation, Action, Drama, Science Fiction, War, Romance, Music
User Score
Original Title
劇場版 マクロスΔ 激情のワルキューレ
Production Companies
Big West, SATELIGHT, T2 Studio, 8bit
Yoshimasa Hiraike
Macross Delta is set in the year 2067, eight years after the events of Macross Frontier. The story focuses on Walküre, a team of talented idols and the Delta Squadron, a team of experienced Valkyrie pilots as they battle against the Var Syndrome, a mysterious phenomena that is consuming the galaxy, alongside the mysterious Aerial Knights Valkyrie fighter team of the Kingdom of Wind. This film recompiles scenes from the television anime with new scenes to tell a different story.