Reviewing the English dubbed version titled "Raging Vendetta," it's an absolute mes...
Boy Condenado
The accidental shooting of a young boy's mother weaves a plot of drugs, prostitution, and murder. Spurned by his father and jailed for hiding his mother's shame, the boy emerges from the smoke and flame to avenge his mother's death with a RAGING VENDETTA.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Boy Condenado
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Jan 27, 1982
1h 25m
Action, Action
User Score
Original Title
Boy Condenado
Production Companies
F. Puzon Film Enterprises, Seiko Films
Efren C. Piñon
The accidental shooting of a young boy's mother weaves a plot of drugs, prostitution, and murder. Spurned by his father and jailed for hiding his mother's shame, the boy emerges from the smoke and flame to avenge his mother's death with a RAGING VENDETTA.