Based on Eloise, the children's book, the film has a fantastic cast such as Julie Andrews and...
Eloise at the Plaza
Eloise is a precocious but lovable six-year-old girl who lives in New York's Plaza Hotel. Her caretaker "Nanny" watches over her while her mom is away. Then one day, while trying to figure out how to get invited to a fancy ball as well as how to meet a visiting prince, Eloise makes a new friend around her age! So she decides to take him on a tour of the city - and all while plotting some matchmaking hijinks for her other friends too!
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Eloise at the Plaza
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Apr 27, 2003
1h 29m
Comedy, Family, Mystery, TV Movie
User Score
Original Title
Eloise at the Plaza
Kevin Lima
Eloise is a precocious but lovable six-year-old girl who lives in New York's Plaza Hotel. Her caretaker "Nanny" watches over her while her mom is away. Then one day, while trying to figure out how to get invited to a fancy ball as well as how to meet a visiting prince, Eloise makes a new friend around her age! So she decides to take him on a tour of the city - and all while plotting some matchmaking hijinks for her other friends too!