Slow burn of a crime-thriller has a solid performance from Marlon Brando, though, as usual for hi...
The Night of the Following Day
A gang of four professional criminals kidnaps a wealthy teenage girl from an airport in Paris in a meticulous plan to extort money from the girl's wealthy father. Holding her prisoner in an isolated beach house, the gang's scheme runs perfectly until their personal demons surface and lead to a series of betrayals.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
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The Night of the Following Day
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Jan 10, 1969
1h 33m
Thriller, Crime
User Score
Original Title
The Night of the Following Day
Production Companies
Gina Production, Universal Pictures
Hubert Cornfield
A gang of four professional criminals kidnaps a wealthy teenage girl from an airport in Paris in a meticulous plan to extort money from the girl's wealthy father. Holding her prisoner in an isolated beach house, the gang's scheme runs perfectly until their personal demons surface and lead to a series of betrayals.