Beloved Days
In 1970 the people of Karmi in Cyprus participate in an unprecedented experience: the shooting of the film "Beloved", with Hollywood cast and crew. This documentary functions as a kaleidoscope, transmitting images of that magical time and of the traumatic changes in their lives after the Turkish invasion. Four decades later, they revisit nostalgically those old beloved days.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Beloved Days
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Release Date
Aug 22, 2015
1h 15m
Original Title
Beloved Days
Production Companies
Walking Around the World, Cyprus Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth, Cinema Advisory Committee of Cyprus, CyBC, Roll Out Vision Services, Filmblades, Atlantis Film Solutions
Constantinos Patsalides
In 1970 the people of Karmi in Cyprus participate in an unprecedented experience: the shooting of the film "Beloved", with Hollywood cast and crew. This documentary functions as a kaleidoscope, transmitting images of that magical time and of the traumatic changes in their lives after the Turkish invasion. Four decades later, they revisit nostalgically those old beloved days.