Directed by Brad Anderson and written by Anthony Jaswinski. It stars Hayden Chris...
A mysterious global blackout yields countless populations to simply vanish, leaving only their clothes and possessions behind. A small handful of survivors band together in a dimly-lit tavern on 7th Street, struggling to combat the apocalyptic horror. Realizing they may in fact be the last people on earth, a dark shadow hones in on them alone.
Sep 11, 2010
1h 32m
Mystery, Horror, Thriller
Vanishing on 7th Street
Herrick Entertainment, Circle of Confusion, Forest Park Pictures, Mandalay Vision
Brad Anderson
A mysterious global blackout yields countless populations to simply vanish, leaving only their clothes and possessions behind. A small handful of survivors band together in a dimly-lit tavern on 7th Street, struggling to combat the apocalyptic horror. Realizing they may in fact be the last people on earth, a dark shadow hones in on them alone.
Directed by Brad Anderson and written by Anthony Jaswinski. It stars Hayden Chris...