Kamen Rider SD: Strange?! Kumo Otoko
"Kamen Rider SD: Strange!? Kumo Otoko" is an animated OVA based on the gag manga Kamen Rider SD: Hurricane Legend. This cute and comedic short movie features chibi versions of the Showa Era Kamen Riders, as they team up against the evil GranShocker organization, while Kamen Rider Black RX tries to confess his love to female sports instructor Michiru.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Kamen Rider SD: Strange?! Kumo Otoko
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Jan 24, 1993
0h 29m
Animation, Comedy, Science Fiction
User Score
Original Title
仮面ライダーSD 怪奇!?クモ男
Production Companies
Toei Company, Ishimori Productions
Takenori Kawada
"Kamen Rider SD: Strange!? Kumo Otoko" is an animated OVA based on the gag manga Kamen Rider SD: Hurricane Legend. This cute and comedic short movie features chibi versions of the Showa Era Kamen Riders, as they team up against the evil GranShocker organization, while Kamen Rider Black RX tries to confess his love to female sports instructor Michiru.