Micro-budget sequel padded with footage from the first film
After a death in the family, siblings Angelica and James Zacherly travel to the small town of East Willard on Christmas Eve to pay their respects. They stay at a homely bed and breakfast where they learn the legend of Black Peter, Santa Claus' vengeful brother. But when they find the lost journal of Jeffrey Butler, they discover the town has its own sordid history - one more rooted in reality.
Mar 15, 2015
1h 28m
Silent Night, Bloody Night 2: Revival
SCS Entertainment
Dustin Ferguson
After a death in the family, siblings Angelica and James Zacherly travel to the small town of East Willard on Christmas Eve to pay their respects. They stay at a homely bed and breakfast where they learn the legend of Black Peter, Santa Claus' vengeful brother. But when they find the lost journal of Jeffrey Butler, they discover the town has its own sordid history - one more rooted in reality.
Micro-budget sequel padded with footage from the first film