The Earth Day Special
The Earth Day Special is a television special revolving around Earth Day that aired on ABC on April 22, 1990. Sponsored by Time Warner, the two hour special featured an all-star cast addressing concerns about global warming, deforestation, and other environmental ills.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
The Earth Day Special
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Apr 22, 1990
1h 39m
Documentary, TV Movie
User Score
Original Title
The Earth Day Special
Production Companies
Richard Baskin Inc., Beacon Communications, Sum Entertainment Group, Inc., People of the Earth Foundation, Warner Bros. Television
Dwight Hemion
The Earth Day Special is a television special revolving around Earth Day that aired on ABC on April 22, 1990. Sponsored by Time Warner, the two hour special featured an all-star cast addressing concerns about global warming, deforestation, and other environmental ills.