Martinho da Vila - Ao Vivo
In sequence to the project "Conexoes", Martinho da Vila recorded this live album, singing in French and Portuguese. A repertoire very well known by Europeans as, "Femmes (Mulheres - Woman)" & "Boemia (La Boheme - Boheme)". Universal. 2004.
- Overview
- Cast
Martinho da Vila - Ao Vivo
- Overview
- Cast
Release Date
Feb 14, 2016
Original Title
Martinho da Vila - Ao Vivo
In sequence to the project "Conexoes", Martinho da Vila recorded this live album, singing in French and Portuguese. A repertoire very well known by Europeans as, "Femmes (Mulheres - Woman)" & "Boemia (La Boheme - Boheme)". Universal. 2004.