Magical Cat's Journey
The Magical Cat's Journey is a must-see for cat lovers. The beautiful, fun-loving golden cat and his playmate the red ball take you on a fantastic journey over pulsating buildings, through cat-shaped meteorites, etc... But the cat has to meet his fateful foe, the blue Evil Cat, who also wants to have the red ball. The gold and blue mandala fight was a draw -- and then, what now? Enjoy!
- Overview
- Crew
Magical Cat's Journey
- Overview
- Crew
Release Date
Jun 26, 2010
0h 6m
Original Title
Magical Cat's Journey
Vince Collins
The Magical Cat's Journey is a must-see for cat lovers. The beautiful, fun-loving golden cat and his playmate the red ball take you on a fantastic journey over pulsating buildings, through cat-shaped meteorites, etc... But the cat has to meet his fateful foe, the blue Evil Cat, who also wants to have the red ball. The gold and blue mandala fight was a draw -- and then, what now? Enjoy!