Anak Kos Dodol
The story begins with the arrival of three girls who had just graduated from high school into a boarding house at Yogya: Sarah, Sofia and Dewi aka Dedew. The three of them are the last generation for residents boarding house. Although initially bringing together the chemistry between them is not smooth, even had split into two camps, but eventually a sense of camaraderie and togetherness beats everything.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
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Anak Kos Dodol
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Feb 26, 2015
1h 26m
Comedy, Drama
User Score
Original Title
Anak Kos Dodol
Production Companies
Rumah Kreatif 23
Eman Pradipta
The story begins with the arrival of three girls who had just graduated from high school into a boarding house at Yogya: Sarah, Sofia and Dewi aka Dedew. The three of them are the last generation for residents boarding house. Although initially bringing together the chemistry between them is not smooth, even had split into two camps, but eventually a sense of camaraderie and togetherness beats everything.