Was für ein Trip. Der Kurzfilm wirkt wie ein Drogentrip und dennoch zeigt dieses filmische Frühwe...
"Stangenfieber" is an almost 30-year-old short movie which runs for nine minutes. It is the first directorial effort by Helge Schneider and came out shortly after "Johnny Flash". In this full feature, Schneider was not yet director and writer himself, but with "Stangenfieber", which sounds like some tropical illness, he took that past and should also be involved with these crucial aspects of filmmaking in pretty much every upcoming film starring himself. Most of the cast in this little project are Schneider's pals and they have returned in other of his films later on, especially Peter Thoms, a longtime companion for the extravagant genius that is Helge Schneider. About "Stangenfieber", it is a movie probably even more experimental than "Johnny Flash". There is one aspect of this short movie, which occurs frequently in his films as well: men wearing drag and playing female characters, in this case a tutu. -http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2302835/reviews
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Jun 9, 1987
0h 9m
User Score
Original Title
Helge Schneider
"Stangenfieber" is an almost 30-year-old short movie which runs for nine minutes. It is the first directorial effort by Helge Schneider and came out shortly after "Johnny Flash". In this full feature, Schneider was not yet director and writer himself, but with "Stangenfieber", which sounds like some tropical illness, he took that past and should also be involved with these crucial aspects of filmmaking in pretty much every upcoming film starring himself. Most of the cast in this little project are Schneider's pals and they have returned in other of his films later on, especially Peter Thoms, a longtime companion for the extravagant genius that is Helge Schneider. About "Stangenfieber", it is a movie probably even more experimental than "Johnny Flash". There is one aspect of this short movie, which occurs frequently in his films as well: men wearing drag and playing female characters, in this case a tutu. -http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2302835/reviews