England Expects
The story follows former football hooligan Ray Knight (Steven Mackintosh), a normal everyday family man who works as a security guard at a financial trading company in Canary Wharf, the symbol of corporate wealth which looms high over the impoverished communities below. Newfound social responsibilities are trampled underfoot when Ray's racist past is revived amid tensions between Whites and Asians jostling for position on the council housing list. Among those who are wanting to be rehoused in a new development is Ray's alcoholic ex-wife Sadie (Camille Coduri), and his teenage daughter Nikki (Sadie Thompson). After a failed attempt to rehouse Sadie and Nikki, and soon discovering that Nikki is involved in heroin addiction, Ray's anger drives him to re-join a BNP organisation led by his old friend Larry Knowles (Keith Barron).
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
England Expects
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Apr 5, 2004
2h 0m
TV Movie, Crime, Drama
User Score
Original Title
England Expects
Production Companies
BBC Scotland
Tony Smith
The story follows former football hooligan Ray Knight (Steven Mackintosh), a normal everyday family man who works as a security guard at a financial trading company in Canary Wharf, the symbol of corporate wealth which looms high over the impoverished communities below. Newfound social responsibilities are trampled underfoot when Ray's racist past is revived amid tensions between Whites and Asians jostling for position on the council housing list. Among those who are wanting to be rehoused in a new development is Ray's alcoholic ex-wife Sadie (Camille Coduri), and his teenage daughter Nikki (Sadie Thompson). After a failed attempt to rehouse Sadie and Nikki, and soon discovering that Nikki is involved in heroin addiction, Ray's anger drives him to re-join a BNP organisation led by his old friend Larry Knowles (Keith Barron).