The opening film, The Lost Paradise by Anil Krishnan, is a silent film about a convict who is rel...
Bench Talkies
Bench Talkies is a compilation of six films from six filmmakers. The one recognizable name is, of course, Karthik Subbaraj, while the others are all aspiring directors. The films deal with various subjects and are in different genres and are of varying quality.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Bench Talkies
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Mar 6, 2015
1h 56m
Action, Comedy, Drama
User Score
Original Title
Bench Talkies
Production Companies
Stone Bench Creations
Karthik Subbaraj
Bench Talkies is a compilation of six films from six filmmakers. The one recognizable name is, of course, Karthik Subbaraj, while the others are all aspiring directors. The films deal with various subjects and are in different genres and are of varying quality.