In a flashback, the film follows the life of Martin Hogeveen. He leads a life that leaves nothing to be desired: a luxurious apartment, a beautiful young girlfriend and a successful job as an independent municipal policy advisor, whose secondary task it is to combat fraud. His investigations are amply rewarded when he brings to light an extensive building industry fraud. As a result of his report, the director of the local authority is fired and Hogeveen takes over his post. In the meantime, Martin is stalked in his private life by an impetuous student who even harasses his girlfriend. Martin gets entangled in a situation involving murder and blackmail, and eventually makes an unexpected discovery. Zinloos is based on René Appel's novel Zinloos geweld.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Mar 8, 2004
1h 31m
Thriller, Drama
User Score
Original Title
Arno Dierickx
In a flashback, the film follows the life of Martin Hogeveen. He leads a life that leaves nothing to be desired: a luxurious apartment, a beautiful young girlfriend and a successful job as an independent municipal policy advisor, whose secondary task it is to combat fraud. His investigations are amply rewarded when he brings to light an extensive building industry fraud. As a result of his report, the director of the local authority is fired and Hogeveen takes over his post. In the meantime, Martin is stalked in his private life by an impetuous student who even harasses his girlfriend. Martin gets entangled in a situation involving murder and blackmail, and eventually makes an unexpected discovery. Zinloos is based on René Appel's novel Zinloos geweld.