The beginning of cabin-in-the-woods horror, sort of
Four college...
Due to their possession of an ancient mystic book, four friends are attacked by a demon while on a picnic and find themselves pitched into a world of evil that overlaps their own. The film was originally made in 1967 by Dennis Muren as The Equinox: Journey into the Supernatural. Jack Woods was hired to shoot additional footage and expand on Muren's work.
Oct 1, 1970
1h 22m
Adventure, Horror
Tonylyn Productions Inc.
Jack Woods
Due to their possession of an ancient mystic book, four friends are attacked by a demon while on a picnic and find themselves pitched into a world of evil that overlaps their own. The film was originally made in 1967 by Dennis Muren as The Equinox: Journey into the Supernatural. Jack Woods was hired to shoot additional footage and expand on Muren's work.
The beginning of cabin-in-the-woods horror, sort of
Four college...