A Shocking Accident
A Shocking Accident is a 1982 British short comedy film directed by James Scott, based on Graham Greene's short story by the same name. About a boy whose father is killed in Naples, when a pig falls on him as a balcony collapses. The incident haunts the boy through his later life until he meets a girl who understands his side of the story. The film won an Oscar at the 55th Academy Awards for Best Live Action Short and was nominated for BAFTA in 1983.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
A Shocking Accident
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Oct 1, 1982
0h 25m
Comedy, Romance
User Score
Original Title
A Shocking Accident
Production Companies
Flamingo Films Ltd., Virgin Films
James Scott
A Shocking Accident is a 1982 British short comedy film directed by James Scott, based on Graham Greene's short story by the same name. About a boy whose father is killed in Naples, when a pig falls on him as a balcony collapses. The incident haunts the boy through his later life until he meets a girl who understands his side of the story. The film won an Oscar at the 55th Academy Awards for Best Live Action Short and was nominated for BAFTA in 1983.