Confusing but stylish crime thriller in Tijuana with Liotta, Andy Garcia and Esai Mor...
The Line
The story centers around veteran assassin Mark Shields as he tracks down, Pelon, the elusive head of the Salazar Crime Cartel. Through twists of fate, Shields ends up with a local woman, Olivia who is also fighting her own demons for the sake of her daughter. Set in the rich and atmospheric backdrop of Tijuana, Mexico, La Linea (The Line) is full of action and drama.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
The Line
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
May 11, 2009
1h 35m
Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
User Score
Original Title
La Linea
Production Companies
Project One Films, Baja Films Internacional
James Cotten
The story centers around veteran assassin Mark Shields as he tracks down, Pelon, the elusive head of the Salazar Crime Cartel. Through twists of fate, Shields ends up with a local woman, Olivia who is also fighting her own demons for the sake of her daughter. Set in the rich and atmospheric backdrop of Tijuana, Mexico, La Linea (The Line) is full of action and drama.