Chasing the Green
Inspired by a true story, "Chasing the Green" tells the story of two young brothers who become millionaires during the early 1990s. Their ambition and drive lead them into conflict with FTC officials, where an over-zealous bureaucrat attempts to destroy their company. The older brother, tries to reconcile the current crisis with conflicts in his own relationships, primarily with his current girlfriend.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Chasing the Green
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Apr 17, 2009
1h 42m
User Score
Original Title
Chasing the Green
Production Companies
Igolf Productions
Russ Emanuel
Inspired by a true story, "Chasing the Green" tells the story of two young brothers who become millionaires during the early 1990s. Their ambition and drive lead them into conflict with FTC officials, where an over-zealous bureaucrat attempts to destroy their company. The older brother, tries to reconcile the current crisis with conflicts in his own relationships, primarily with his current girlfriend.