The Last Outlaw
The story follows a band of former Confederate soldiers who were part of a cavalry unit. Their commander, Graff (Rourke) had once been a heroic and staunch supporter of the southern cause, but after losing his family he became cold hearted and ruthless. His second in command is Eustis (Mulroney), whom Graff has trained on the strategies of leadership and combat command.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
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The Last Outlaw
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Oct 30, 1993
1h 33m
TV Movie, Action, Western
User Score
Original Title
The Last Outlaw
Production Companies
HBO Films
Geoff Murphy
The story follows a band of former Confederate soldiers who were part of a cavalry unit. Their commander, Graff (Rourke) had once been a heroic and staunch supporter of the southern cause, but after losing his family he became cold hearted and ruthless. His second in command is Eustis (Mulroney), whom Graff has trained on the strategies of leadership and combat command.