Seal on the Loose
"Seal on the Loose" is the 174th animated cartoon short subject in the Woody Woodpecker series. Released theatrically in 1970, the film was produced by Walter Lantz. Woody lives in Mrs. Meany's Boarding House and she does not want any animals or pets living there. Woody returning home from releasing his pet goldfish, a circus vehicle passes by that looses a box with a seal in it. So would sneaks the seal in and has to hide it from Mrs. Meany.
- Overview
- Crew
- Recommendations
Seal on the Loose
- Overview
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
May 1, 1970
0h 6m
User Score
Original Title
Seal on the Loose
Production Companies
Walter Lantz Productions
Paul J. Smith
"Seal on the Loose" is the 174th animated cartoon short subject in the Woody Woodpecker series. Released theatrically in 1970, the film was produced by Walter Lantz. Woody lives in Mrs. Meany's Boarding House and she does not want any animals or pets living there. Woody returning home from releasing his pet goldfish, a circus vehicle passes by that looses a box with a seal in it. So would sneaks the seal in and has to hide it from Mrs. Meany.