Michael Craig turns in a strong, emotional, performance in this thought provoking drama. He takes...
Life for Ruth
John Harris finds himself ostracized and placed on trial for allowing his daughter Ruth to die. His religious beliefs forbade him to give consent for a blood transfusion that would have saved her life. Doctor Brown is determined to seek justice for what he sees as the needless death of a young girl.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Life for Ruth
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Sep 6, 1962
1h 33m
User Score
Original Title
Life for Ruth
Production Companies
Allied Film Makers
Basil Dearden
John Harris finds himself ostracized and placed on trial for allowing his daughter Ruth to die. His religious beliefs forbade him to give consent for a blood transfusion that would have saved her life. Doctor Brown is determined to seek justice for what he sees as the needless death of a young girl.