The Harvest Shall Come
"The Harvest Shall Come" is a wartime story/documentary produced by Realist Film Unit and starring John Slater. This tells the story of an ordinary farmer (Tim Grimwood), and his struggles as a boy starting out in 1900, to a farm labourer come the second world war. The story documents the ebbs and flows of the fortunes of such as him in the industry over those 40 years, and (as the name suggests) has an air of new dawn, whereby farmers essential to the war effort would at last secure a fair deal.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
The Harvest Shall Come
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Release Date
Nov 1, 1942
0h 32m
Original Title
The Harvest Shall Come
Production Companies
Realist Film Unit
Max Anderson
"The Harvest Shall Come" is a wartime story/documentary produced by Realist Film Unit and starring John Slater. This tells the story of an ordinary farmer (Tim Grimwood), and his struggles as a boy starting out in 1900, to a farm labourer come the second world war. The story documents the ebbs and flows of the fortunes of such as him in the industry over those 40 years, and (as the name suggests) has an air of new dawn, whereby farmers essential to the war effort would at last secure a fair deal.