The Inn Between
At once emotionally devastating and deeply heartwarming, Ondi Timoner’s latest documentary follows the day to day lives of the residents at a hospice care center for the unhoused located in Salt Lake City. Crafted with immense compassion, The Inn Between forces us to identify with its subjects, exposing how close any of us really are to the rough living circumstances that thousands of Americans find themselves in.The Inn Between is the only end of life facility for the homeless in America, where miracles happen - as the once-unsheltered are treated with the humanity and community we all deserve.
- Overview
- Crew
The Inn Between
- Overview
- Crew
Release Date
Oct 18, 2024
1h 10m
Original Title
The Inn Between
Production Companies
Interloper Films, Artemis Rising, The Lozen Foundation
Ondi Timoner
At once emotionally devastating and deeply heartwarming, Ondi Timoner’s latest documentary follows the day to day lives of the residents at a hospice care center for the unhoused located in Salt Lake City. Crafted with immense compassion, The Inn Between forces us to identify with its subjects, exposing how close any of us really are to the rough living circumstances that thousands of Americans find themselves in.The Inn Between is the only end of life facility for the homeless in America, where miracles happen - as the once-unsheltered are treated with the humanity and community we all deserve.