Hero of the Jungle
"Hero of the Jungle" is a rare film produced for the Children's Channel during the original production at Beit Lissin in December 1996. The film documents the behind-the-scenes of the play which is now back on stage after 28 years with Tovia Tzafir, Tom Avni, Sasi Keshet, Avi Yaffe, Yossi Toledo, Eli Danker, and Pinny Kidron. Hanoch Rosen directed, Miron Minster composed (Ariel Zilber also contributed), and Ephraim Sidon wrote. Behind the scenes were added to the DVD released in 2013. They are half humorous and half serious.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Hero of the Jungle
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Release Date
Dec 10, 1996
0h 46m
Documentary, Comedy
Original Title
גיבור הג'ונגל
נתן גור לוי
"Hero of the Jungle" is a rare film produced for the Children's Channel during the original production at Beit Lissin in December 1996. The film documents the behind-the-scenes of the play which is now back on stage after 28 years with Tovia Tzafir, Tom Avni, Sasi Keshet, Avi Yaffe, Yossi Toledo, Eli Danker, and Pinny Kidron. Hanoch Rosen directed, Miron Minster composed (Ariel Zilber also contributed), and Ephraim Sidon wrote. Behind the scenes were added to the DVD released in 2013. They are half humorous and half serious.