The Last Town We Saw
The narrative centers on Taichi Tamiya, a television scriptwriter living in modern-day Tokyo with his family. Their ordinary lives are disrupted when they inexplicably time-travel to June 1944, during the height of World War II. Confronted with the harsh realities of wartime Japan—scarcity of resources, constant air raids, and societal pressures—the family struggles to adapt and survive. The story delves into their attempts to navigate this perilous era while seeking a way back to their original time.
- Overview
- Cast
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The Last Town We Saw
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Sep 21, 2024
War, TV Movie
User Score
Original Title
Production Companies
TV Asahi, KADOKAWA Daiei Studio
Osamu Katayama
The narrative centers on Taichi Tamiya, a television scriptwriter living in modern-day Tokyo with his family. Their ordinary lives are disrupted when they inexplicably time-travel to June 1944, during the height of World War II. Confronted with the harsh realities of wartime Japan—scarcity of resources, constant air raids, and societal pressures—the family struggles to adapt and survive. The story delves into their attempts to navigate this perilous era while seeking a way back to their original time.