A Son & a Father
The story follows Kevin, a young man classified as problematic due to his inability to control his impulses. After an incident, Kevin must attend therapy for teenagers, but his father refuses to accompany him. Don Andrés, his stepfather, assumes the role of companion, revealing a relationship that is more fraternal than paternal.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
A Son & a Father
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Aug 11, 2024
0h 25m
Comedy, Drama
User Score
Original Title
1 hijo & 1 padre
Production Companies
Alta Rocca Films, Valiente Gracia
Andrés Ramírez Pulido
The story follows Kevin, a young man classified as problematic due to his inability to control his impulses. After an incident, Kevin must attend therapy for teenagers, but his father refuses to accompany him. Don Andrés, his stepfather, assumes the role of companion, revealing a relationship that is more fraternal than paternal.