A Life, Taken
The film centers around Natalie Bacci, a hardened New York City Police Detective. Natalie's life is coming apart at the seams. Anger, rage and guilt have eaten away at her humanity. Her current case brings up painful memories. Natalie's salvation will only come if she overcomes the most difficult obstacle in her life - confronting her past - WILL SHE BE ABLE TO DO IT?
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
A Life, Taken
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Release Date
Nov 13, 2014
0h 35m
Drama, Family
Original Title
A Life, Taken
Production Companies
Vero Films
George Pitsironis
The film centers around Natalie Bacci, a hardened New York City Police Detective. Natalie's life is coming apart at the seams. Anger, rage and guilt have eaten away at her humanity. Her current case brings up painful memories. Natalie's salvation will only come if she overcomes the most difficult obstacle in her life - confronting her past - WILL SHE BE ABLE TO DO IT?