Hana no Oedo no Musekinin
A comedy directed by Kajiro Yamamoto, based on an original idea by Koji Toita, co-written by Yasuo Tanami, who worked on "Hibari Chiemi Izumi Sannin Yoba" and Kajiro Yamamoto, who worked on "The Story of a Genius Swindler: Tanuki no Hanamichi." Photographed by Seiichi Endo of "Things That Live at the End of the Earth."
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Hana no Oedo no Musekinin
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Release Date
Dec 20, 1964
1h 29m
Original Title
Production Companies
Kajirō Yamamoto
A comedy directed by Kajiro Yamamoto, based on an original idea by Koji Toita, co-written by Yasuo Tanami, who worked on "Hibari Chiemi Izumi Sannin Yoba" and Kajiro Yamamoto, who worked on "The Story of a Genius Swindler: Tanuki no Hanamichi." Photographed by Seiichi Endo of "Things That Live at the End of the Earth."