Sailor Peter the Cat
The film is dedicated to the life and exploits of Pyotr Markovich Koshka, the hero of the defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean War. His funny, tragic and entertaining adventures reflected the entire history of the Crimean war, and more broadly, the history of Russia. A man who managed to steal a beef leg from the cauldron of enemy soldiers, catch an enemy commander with a basket and defuse a cannonball with porridge will not leave anyone indifferent.
- Overview
- Crew
Sailor Peter the Cat
- Overview
- Crew
Release Date
Jan 1, 2017
0h 13m
Original Title
Матрос Пётр Кошка
Production Companies
Studio "Pilot"
Valentin Telegin
The film is dedicated to the life and exploits of Pyotr Markovich Koshka, the hero of the defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean War. His funny, tragic and entertaining adventures reflected the entire history of the Crimean war, and more broadly, the history of Russia. A man who managed to steal a beef leg from the cauldron of enemy soldiers, catch an enemy commander with a basket and defuse a cannonball with porridge will not leave anyone indifferent.