The Noise of Time
The story follows the trajectory of the Russian composer’s life and career, beginning in 1936 when Shostakovich, aged 30, faces Stalin’s wrath after his opera is condemned. A stroke of luck prevents him from becoming a casualty of the Great Terror, and for decades he has to weigh appeasing those in power in Soviet Russia against the integrity of his music.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
The Noise of Time
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Original Title
The Noise of Time
Production Companies
Zero One Film, Aurum Film, Wildgaze Films
Jan Komasa
The story follows the trajectory of the Russian composer’s life and career, beginning in 1936 when Shostakovich, aged 30, faces Stalin’s wrath after his opera is condemned. A stroke of luck prevents him from becoming a casualty of the Great Terror, and for decades he has to weigh appeasing those in power in Soviet Russia against the integrity of his music.