This Filipino action thriller concerns a crime syndicate which specializes in holding people for ransom. Their most recent foray into crime succeeds in two cases but runs into difficulties when the kidnappers rape the daughter of their latest victim, a doctor. The doctor enlists the help of police Captain Alvaran (Joseph Estrada), who hunts the villains down with the able support of his loving wife.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Release Date
Feb 22, 1974
Original Title
Production Companies
Emar Pictures
Cesar Gallardo
This Filipino action thriller concerns a crime syndicate which specializes in holding people for ransom. Their most recent foray into crime succeeds in two cases but runs into difficulties when the kidnappers rape the daughter of their latest victim, a doctor. The doctor enlists the help of police Captain Alvaran (Joseph Estrada), who hunts the villains down with the able support of his loving wife.