Considering that this film was directed by Andrew Davis who before this directed the hit film the...
Chain Reaction
At the University of Chicago, a research team that includes brilliant student machinist Eddie Kasalivich experiences a breakthrough: a stable form of fusion that may lead to a waste-free energy source. However, a private company wants to exploit the technology, so Kasalivich and physicist Dr. Lily Sinclair are framed for murder, and the fusion device is stolen. On the run from the FBI, they must recover the technology and exonerate themselves.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Chain Reaction
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Aug 2, 1996
1h 47m
Science Fiction, Action, Drama, Thriller
User Score
Original Title
Chain Reaction
Production Companies
Chicago Pacific Entertainment, 20th Century Fox, The Zanuck Company, 3 Arts Entertainment
Andrew Davis
At the University of Chicago, a research team that includes brilliant student machinist Eddie Kasalivich experiences a breakthrough: a stable form of fusion that may lead to a waste-free energy source. However, a private company wants to exploit the technology, so Kasalivich and physicist Dr. Lily Sinclair are framed for murder, and the fusion device is stolen. On the run from the FBI, they must recover the technology and exonerate themselves.