Breath of Life
Drama based on a true incident showing how a seemingly minor event, the theft of a cigarette from a guard, in the lives of 6 political prisoners in Iran ultimately leads to the death of one of the group. The film focuses on one man's need for relief from the physical and mental torture he suffers (despite the universal ban proclaimed by the United Nations) and how it temporarily rekindles the groups' collective will to survive.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Breath of Life
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Release Date
Jan 1, 1991
Original Title
Breath of Life
Navin Thapar
Drama based on a true incident showing how a seemingly minor event, the theft of a cigarette from a guard, in the lives of 6 political prisoners in Iran ultimately leads to the death of one of the group. The film focuses on one man's need for relief from the physical and mental torture he suffers (despite the universal ban proclaimed by the United Nations) and how it temporarily rekindles the groups' collective will to survive.