The Day They Killed Singing
"The Day They Killed the Singing" revolves around a conflict between two brothers, in a journey searching for the reason for existence and the secret of the universe, and the conflict between the spirit of tolerance and love on the one hand, and fanaticism and hatred on the other hand.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
The Day They Killed Singing
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Release Date
Apr 30, 2017
1h 30m
Original Title
يوم أن قتلوا الغناء
Tamer karam
"The Day They Killed the Singing" revolves around a conflict between two brothers, in a journey searching for the reason for existence and the secret of the universe, and the conflict between the spirit of tolerance and love on the one hand, and fanaticism and hatred on the other hand.