Remember Me in Therapy
After waking up one fateful morning, a human named George discovers that Earth has been destroyed by an intergalactic alien race/corporation called “The Gleebloys.” With the help of a ‘therapizing’ alien named Ruben, the two must piece together what led to the planet’s destruction. The more they learn the more things start to feel very, very strange.
- Overview
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Remember Me in Therapy
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Release Date
Dec 17, 2020
0h 12m
Original Title
Remember Me in Therapy
Jacob Mollot
After waking up one fateful morning, a human named George discovers that Earth has been destroyed by an intergalactic alien race/corporation called “The Gleebloys.” With the help of a ‘therapizing’ alien named Ruben, the two must piece together what led to the planet’s destruction. The more they learn the more things start to feel very, very strange.