Manhattan Kiss
An adult love story written and directed by Yasushi Akimoto of "Goodbye Mama" and shot on location in New York. Haruko and Natsuko are sisters who get along like friends. One day, her younger sister Natsuko visited her older sister Haruko in New York. However, the real purpose of Natsuko's trip to the United States was to meet her affair partner Mami Okawa, who left her without saying anything and was transferred to New York. Natsuko immediately visits Okawa and introduces her to her older sister .
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Manhattan Kiss
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Release Date
Jun 13, 1992
1h 50m
Comedy, Romance
Original Title
Production Companies
Yasushi Akimoto
An adult love story written and directed by Yasushi Akimoto of "Goodbye Mama" and shot on location in New York. Haruko and Natsuko are sisters who get along like friends. One day, her younger sister Natsuko visited her older sister Haruko in New York. However, the real purpose of Natsuko's trip to the United States was to meet her affair partner Mami Okawa, who left her without saying anything and was transferred to New York. Natsuko immediately visits Okawa and introduces her to her older sister .