Holly Martens (Joseph Cotten) receives a job offer from his friend Harry Lime (Orson Welles) in...
The Third Man
In postwar Vienna, Austria, Holly Martins, a writer of pulp Westerns, arrives penniless as a guest of his childhood chum Harry Lime, only to learn he has died. Martins develops a conspiracy theory after learning of a "third man" present at the time of Harry's death, running into interference from British officer Major Calloway, and falling head-over-heels for Harry's grief-stricken lover, Anna.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
The Third Man
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Aug 31, 1949
1h 45m
Thriller, Mystery
User Score
Original Title
The Third Man
Production Companies
London Films Productions
Carol Reed
In postwar Vienna, Austria, Holly Martins, a writer of pulp Westerns, arrives penniless as a guest of his childhood chum Harry Lime, only to learn he has died. Martins develops a conspiracy theory after learning of a "third man" present at the time of Harry's death, running into interference from British officer Major Calloway, and falling head-over-heels for Harry's grief-stricken lover, Anna.
Citizen Kane
The Maltese Falcon
Sunset Boulevard
The Stranger
Double Indemnity
Adam's Rib
The Fountainhead
Valley of the Dolls
A Boy Named Charlie Brown
Everybody's Fine
20,000 Days on Earth
The Ox-Bow Incident
Love in the Afternoon
An Impudent Girl
Mrs. Miniver
An Inspector Calls
Totò le Mokò
The Soft Skin
Nobody thinks in terms of human beings. Governments don't. Why should we?
The Third Ma...
Nobody thinks in terms of human beings. Governments don't. Why should we?
The Third M...
Joseph Cotton ("Holly") arrives in post war Vienna to meet up with his former school fr...
Can a good movie be spoiled by an inadequate soundtrack? It can, and this film is proof o...