Yanni, a teenage Quebecer of Algerian descent, lives in a small town with his single mother. When a muslim family moves into town, he is forced by Nicolas, his bully, to commit a hateful act towards them. To Nicolas, this may only be a sick joke, but for Yanni it is the opportunity to prove to his opressor that he is on his side, hoping to not be his victim anymore. This film also tells the story of a teenager in search of his identity, lost between his origins and his adoptive country
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Release Date
Nov 19, 2023
0h 20m
Original Title
Production Companies
Metafilms, h264
Rachid Allaoua
Yanni, a teenage Quebecer of Algerian descent, lives in a small town with his single mother. When a muslim family moves into town, he is forced by Nicolas, his bully, to commit a hateful act towards them. To Nicolas, this may only be a sick joke, but for Yanni it is the opportunity to prove to his opressor that he is on his side, hoping to not be his victim anymore. This film also tells the story of a teenager in search of his identity, lost between his origins and his adoptive country