Dead Weight
In the wake of an apocalyptic viral outbreak, Charlie Russell treks through the wilderness to reunite with his girlfriend, Samantha. As Charlie’s journey brings him closer to his destination of Wausau, WI, he must face physical exhaustion, malicious survivors, and perhaps most menacing, his own emotional burdens. With his newfound traveling companions, Charlie must attempt to break his obsessions with the past. He must learn to let it go.
- Overview
- Cast
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Dead Weight
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Mar 30, 2012
1h 29m
Drama, Horror, Thriller
User Score
Original Title
Dead Weight
Adam Bartlett
In the wake of an apocalyptic viral outbreak, Charlie Russell treks through the wilderness to reunite with his girlfriend, Samantha. As Charlie’s journey brings him closer to his destination of Wausau, WI, he must face physical exhaustion, malicious survivors, and perhaps most menacing, his own emotional burdens. With his newfound traveling companions, Charlie must attempt to break his obsessions with the past. He must learn to let it go.