Dindigul Sarathy
The story revolves around an insecure teetotaler Sarathy (Karunas) who feels bad due to his dark skin (his wife Karthika is fairer than him) who is often the brunt of many jokes. Because he feels inferior to his wife, he begins to suspect her of infidelity and to think that she will one day elope with a lover. After a misunderstanding, Sarathy and his mother are estranged which further weakens the bond between Sarathy and Karthika. How Sarathy resolves his issues and gets back together with Karthika forms the rest of the story.
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Dindigul Sarathy
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Dec 18, 2008
2h 23m
User Score
Original Title
Dindigul Sarathy
Siva Sanmukan
The story revolves around an insecure teetotaler Sarathy (Karunas) who feels bad due to his dark skin (his wife Karthika is fairer than him) who is often the brunt of many jokes. Because he feels inferior to his wife, he begins to suspect her of infidelity and to think that she will one day elope with a lover. After a misunderstanding, Sarathy and his mother are estranged which further weakens the bond between Sarathy and Karthika. How Sarathy resolves his issues and gets back together with Karthika forms the rest of the story.