Maa Da Ladla
The story revolves around Gora, Sehaj and Kevin. Gora is a struggling actor while Sehaj is a single mother who lives with her son Kevin. Sehaj hires Gora to play Kevin`s father. Will everything go according to plan?
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Maa Da Ladla
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
Release Date
Sep 16, 2022
Drama, Comedy
Original Title
Maa Da Ladla
Production Companies
Vehli Janta Films, Omjee Star Studios
Uday Pratap Singh
The story revolves around Gora, Sehaj and Kevin. Gora is a struggling actor while Sehaj is a single mother who lives with her son Kevin. Sehaj hires Gora to play Kevin`s father. Will everything go according to plan?