video essay
Wild Plants of Palestine
Functions of Film Sound
For Satan: The Convert's Guide to Häxan; being tidbits, tangents & trivialities by its author, esteemed connoisseur of the kinematograph, dr. Vito Adriaensens
Ten Lives of a Cat: A Film about Chris Marker
Swimming, Dancing
Rebuild of Evangelion Series Analysis
Last Year in Dachau
How to Explain Your Mental Illness to Stanley Kubrick
Letter to My Tribe
A Weak & Panicked Animal
Love in the Time of Corona
From Hitcom To Shitcom (And Back)
The Marriage of Greta Garbo and Sergei Eiseinstein
reminiscence on the garden
The Stendhal Syndrome or My Dinner with Turhan Bey
A Brief History of Circles
Rope’s End