trick film

1901•62% User Score

The Merry Frolics of Satan
The Merry Frolics of Satan
1906•64% User Score

The X-Ray Fiend
The X-Ray Fiend
1897•55% User Score

The Living Playing Cards
The Living Playing Cards
1905•63% User Score

The Red Spectre
The Red Spectre
1907•60% User Score

The Infernal Cakewalk
The Infernal Cakewalk
1903•56% User Score

The Magic Lantern
The Magic Lantern
1903•59% User Score

Sherlock Holmes Baffled
Sherlock Holmes Baffled
1900•52% User Score

The Untamable Whiskers
The Untamable Whiskers
1904•62% User Score

Adventures of William Tell
Adventures of William Tell
1898•56% User Score

A Mouse's Tale
A Mouse's Tale
2012•58% User Score

A Fantastical Meal
A Fantastical Meal
1900•62% User Score

The Treasures of Satan
The Treasures of Satan
1902•51% User Score

The Rajah's Dream or The Bewitched Wood
The Rajah's Dream or The Bewitched Wood
1900•56% User Score

Addition and Subtraction
Addition and Subtraction
1900•58% User Score

A Spiritualist Photographer
A Spiritualist Photographer
1903•57% User Score

How He Missed His Train
How He Missed His Train
1900•56% User Score

The Haunted Curiosity Shop
The Haunted Curiosity Shop
1901•52% User Score

The Magician's Cavern
The Magician's Cavern
1901•60% User Score

Faust and Mephistopheles
Faust and Mephistopheles
1903•45% User Score